Thursday 3 May 2012

Rainy Thurday Night

No Bran tonight :(. He is away at a work conference being studious. I'm here snuggling with Milo in the rainy weather.

It seems there are some legal dealies we didn't foresee with the contract for the Nundah apartment. But it'll be ok, we'll get a lawyer to check everything out and make sure we don't end up paying for things the current owner is meant to :). I'm so thankful to have such a great MiL to help sort these things out! I would be so lost and stressed out without her.

Sore today, gloves R wrist brace and cane. I did make a yummy chicken-cheese sauce-rice combo. I'm thinking it would make a good casserole with some peas or broccoli.

*Edited for title error

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